56 Hilarious Dog Memes
We Bet You Can’t Stop Laughing :)
The family of Gastropods consists of two kinds of creatures: snails and slugs. Both these mollusks are closely related, except one of them has a shell outside their body and the other doesn’t....
Welcome to the fascinating world of snails! As an avid nature enthusiast, I've spent countless hours observing and studying these intriguing creatures. In this blog post, we'll embark on a...
Slugs are the common name for shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusks that are commonly seen in damp & moist places. Among the many slimy creatures seen in our backyard, slugs have the worst...
Welcome! Have you ever wondered about the mysterious world of octopuses and pondered, "Do these fascinating creatures have bones?" You're not alone. This is a common question that intrigues many...
Eating oysters and pearling industry has always remained as the ethical confusion for tenderhearted. People try to figure out whether or not it is cruel to kill oysters for culturing pearls or eating...
A few days ago, my friend got a giant African land snail as a pet but he was quite hesitant to hold it. He was in confusion about whether snails can bite a human. So, I decided to learn about snails...