Ravens include ten species of birds that fall under the same genus as crows and live around human settlements as well as wild places. They are usually larger than crows. Ravens are wild birds, but they do become friendly with humans. You might be wondering whether you can keep ravens as pets at your home. Well, let’s find out.
So, do ravens make good pets? No, ravens do not make good pets. Taking care of a raven is very difficult as they demand a lot of attention and care. When in captivity, they get bored very easily without anywhere to fly around. This, in turn, demands more time and effort. It is impossible to fulfill their curiosity and freedom under captivity.
It’s safe to say that the general consensus is that it is not a good idea to keep a raven as a pet. Ravens are wild birds and are not domesticated in the same way that some other birds might be. It is illegal to own ravens as pets without a license.
The largest member of the Corvid family, Ravens are intelligent, inquisitive, and mischievous birds. For thousands of years, they have been the companions of humans and are known as some of the most loyal and affectionate members of the animal kingdom.
Is it legal to own a raven?
The Migratory Bird Act passed in 1916 prevents civilians from keeping any raven in the United States without a specially issued permit or if you are not a wildlife facilitator.
In case the federal authority learns that you own a raven without a permit, you would be fined, and the raven would be confiscated. Owning a raven or even a rescued raven for any period of time is illegal under federal regulations.
If you find an injured raven, you have to inform the sanctuary or an animal shelter so that it can receive the best comforts.
It is possible to skip the law if you follow a different path. You may purchase a raven that does not belong to the United States. For instance, you may get a white-necked raven which has its origin in Africa. They are common in these regions.
However, it is important to note that these ravens cannot be shipped to the U.S under regulations in place that prevent their transportation across the ocean.
How to attract crows and ravens to your garden?
It might be illegal to own a raven, but there is no problem if you can become friends with a wild raven or a crow.
For this, you may use a few tricks to gain their trust, as explained below:
Feed them at the same time of the day, every day
Ravens are scavengers and feed on whatever they can find.
You can offer them food early in the morning or in the evening. These are their preferred feeding times. You may use the leftover food to attract them, but also remember that it attracts other unwanted visitors to your garden.
Make your garden safe for them
Ravens are smart, and they like to stay away from the dangers posed by other animals like dogs or cats. Hence, ensure that your pets would not disturb them while feeding.
Further, remove anything that produces noise, which can scare them away. Examples include a garden sprinkler or a wheelbarrow.
They feel safe in trees
Ravens like to sit on trees. Ensure that you choose a place with trees to land on. They prefer to sit on these trees and fly down occasionally to pick up the food placed there.
Use shiny objects in your surroundings
Shiny objects attract ravens. You might want to place these around the garden so that they can reflect the sunshine and capture their attention as they fly past your home.
Use a fake raven
Using a fake raven is a way to attract more of their kind to your garden.
Ravens like to stay in the company of their kind and tend to live in pairs. If you hang or place a couple of fake ravens in your garden, they will notice it quickly. They may be tricked into thinking that your place is safe to visit and end up stopping by.
Can you tame a raven?
Ravens are wild birds. Therefore, it is not a smart thing to approach an adult raven and to try and make it your pet. If they are taken from their habitats, they may get violent.
However, if ravens are grown under captivity since birth, and provided enough care and affection, they can get friendly and docile. They may even establish a close relationship with their caretaker.
Certain species are friendlier than the rest. Remember not to expect ravens to get too friendly and playful. They are never seen attacking their owners.
How much is a pet raven?
If you want to get a pet raven, you will have to approach a reputed breeder. Remember that breeders usually charge a huge price for ravens. They typically cost about $2,000, but it may also rise to about $6,000.
Remember that having a pet raven is not an easy job and should be taken seriously. They need special care and attention.
Besides, do not go into buying a pet raven if you think they can live inside a cage. In fact, they need to stay in the outdoors and need a lot of freedom.
Are ravens dangerous?
If a raven is domesticated from birth, they are not dangerous. However, if you try to take an adult raven from its natural habitat into domestication, it may turn violent.
When you have domesticated a raven since its birth, it becomes very friendly with you and may share a good bond. However, if they feel any threat to their safety or territory, they become aggressive and may even attack.
If they get violent, they can deliver a strong bite. In fact, it could pack enough strength into the bite to crush a finger.
They usually refrain from biting humans unless it is absolutely necessary. They often send a warning sign by nipping the finger lightly. Make sure to stay careful not to get them angry, in which case; they may deliver a rather strong bite.
One can usually pull back their finger if they bite lightly. You can wait for it to finish as it will not hold your finger for long. If they also note that you want to leave, they would let you go.
It is important not to get up close with a raven nest. This is where people get bitten as ravens are protective in nature.
How to get a raven permit?
Ravens have federal protection as they are included in the Migratory Bird Act of 1918. This act aims to protect birds that carry out long-distance travel. This could be a journey to either lay eggs or to shift to places with a warmer climate when the winter begins.
In case you want to acquire a special permit to own pet ravens, you might need a very legitimate reason to impress the authorities.
A long letter that explains your experience with the birds or your expertise in taking care of them will not be enough to help you get the required permission. Instead, you will have to apply through a wildlife rehabilitation center, a nature reserve, or other special centers for bird care.
Are ravens intelligent?
Ravens are one of the most intelligent birds in existence. They have one of the largest brain sizes in the bird kingdom. As a result, they are very analytical and curious.
Several experiments conducted on them proved their intelligence, which is equal to that of a 7-year-old child.
Further, they have the ability to identify human faces if they are grown in captivity. They can locate their caretakers quickly.
Ravens become good friends if you establish a loving bond with them.
They are so good that they are reported to imitate the human voice, more impressively than a parrot. They can also reproduce the sounds of whistles and cars. Sometimes, they may converse with their caretaker.
How do ravens and crows behave as pets?
Ravens and crows are wild birds. They have a natural instinct of staying away from humans as a protective gesture. They may not trust us easily, making it hard to establish a relationship with them. Hence, it is difficult even to get them some veterinary treatment or something common like a meal.
Further, they are highly intelligent birds. This makes it difficult for their owners to keep them at home since they unleash their curiosity indoors.
A curious raven let loose at home can make a real mess. They try to see what is inside every container or enclosure. They break every breadcrumb into smaller bits and may even lose your keys. They may also hide jewelry or other small objects if they catch their interest.
What are the eating habits of ravens and crows?
One of the first things to remember if you plan on keeping a raven as a pet is that they are omnivores.
They may not behave like your other pets like cats and dogs, but they eat meat and vegetables. Ravens enjoy a varied diet. They eat meat, plant matter, and anything that nature offers.
Crows and ravens tend to like food when served exactly as they would do in the wild. A freshly killed animal is perfect as they can break down the food in a natural way, and this satisfies them. Try to give them food that is most similar to those found in their wild habitats.
Ravens do not have a particular taste. They usually eat what they can. They would feed readily on snails, crabs, bugs, or anything similar. They eat fruits and some everyday human food items too. Hence, you can be sure that they do not starve.
Some people try to give ravens dog food of high quality, but they do not prefer it. If you want to feed it dog food, make sure you replicate their usual wild food using dog food.
Is it possible to keep ravens in a cage?
It is important to note that ravens are unhappy when confined to cages. They like to fly around like any other wild bird, jumping from pole to pole and feel like it is their territory. Hence, even if you cage a raven, it would be miserable there.
Like territorial birds, they love to fly around and feel their command within their territory. Hence, do not consider keeping them indoors or in a cage. It would be nearly impossible to keep them domesticated if you do not have a large property.
Even if you manage to capture a raven and keep it within a cage, it will grow uncomfortable very fast. As one of the smartest birds out there, it will have a boring life within the limited space of the cage.
You need to have at least a large aviary outdoors if you want to grow a raven. However, you need to remember that these are birds that prefer to fly across vast distances on a regular basis. It would be strange and uncomfortable for them to spend time in confined spaces.
If you grow a raven in captivity, you can let them fly free in the sky, and they will surely come back. They would be delighted to spread their wings. At the end of the day, an outdoor aviary is the least you can do for a pet raven.
What is the lifespan of ravens and crows?
Ravens and crows usually live until their old age. When in their natural habitat, they live up to 10-15 years. However, note that they live to double this age, up to 30 years if they are maintained in a zoo or aviary.
Is it necessary to wash pet ravens?
Ravens usually wash and clean themselves. However, they cannot do this when they are young.
As a young raven starts to walk by itself, you may place a container of water inside their cage. Make sure it is sufficiently wide but not too deep such that they can cleanse themselves. Remember to change the water daily.
Is it safe to have ravens as pets when you have small children in the household?
It is not safe to own pet ravens if there are kids in your house.
Kids are always curious, especially about animals. Sometimes, they fearlessly grab animals to feel them and play with them. However, unlike playful dogs, ravens are territorial.
They may become protective and use violence to defend themselves. They have sharp beaks that can deliver pain if it is used to strike. Hence, it may not be a good idea to have a pet raven when there are kids around.
Conclusion: Ravens as Pets
Humans throughout the world have a long tradition of enjoying the company of wild birds as pets. Some are more difficult to keep than others such as ravens.
Ravens are wild animals that need special attention to their housing, diet, and behavior. You must be willing to make the commitment to care for a raven properly or you will wind up with a dead bird.
Ravens are intelligent and mischievous birds. They can be challenging pets, but the reward of watching your intelligent raven learn his new name, play a game, or mimic your actions is an unforgettable experience.
Ravens easily become attached to their owners and can serve as loyal companions for life. If you can offer a raven a suitable lifestyle, you will have a friend for life.
That brings us to the end of our article on whether ravens make good pets. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and that it’s helped you to decide if keeping a raven as a pet is right for you.
As we’ve seen above, there are benefits and drawbacks to owning a raven as a pet. The benefit is that they’re very intelligent, they’re even said to have language abilities on par with gorillas and can become quite attached to their owners. They can also learn to mimic human speech patterns with ease, making for an entertaining and perhaps intimidating experience when they start talking back to you!
Thanks again for reading our guide about how to get a raven as a pet. I know it could be hard at times with all the conflicting information on the web. A raven is such an interesting bird to have around, and if I were you, I wouldn’t give up on your quest just yet!