Can Horses Eat Peaches?

Can Horses Eat Peaches

A peach is a soft and juicy fruit with a stone or pit inside its delectable pulp. It grows on a peach tree. It is related to wild cherry. Even though Peaches are fairly common in many countries, they are originally from China. Many preconceived notions regarding peaches are generally negative. People believe in rumors and believe peaches to be poisonous and harmful for horses. We are trying to alleviate some of those rumors and set the record straight. 

So, can horses eat peaches? Horses can eat peaches. In fact, they like it very much. Horses being herbivores, they naturally tend to like fruits and vegetables. And peach is one such delicious fruit. It is a perfect fruit for horses as it is juicy, tasty, and full of rich nutrients that are beneficial for horses.

Horses are incredibly active animals that need to maintain their physique to keep their running safe and sound. Peaches, due to their low sugar levels, are perfect for such situations. So with that, we can safely say that horses can eat peaches. Let’s take a look at some of the topics related to horses eating peaches.


Are peaches harmful to horses?

Are peaches harmful to horses

There is a lot of misconception regarding peaches and their supposed harmful effects on horses. Apparently, people believe that peaches are poisonous and, therefore, not safe for consumption.

While it is true that the leaves of peaches are poisonous, there is absolutely no evidence that the fruit itself is. In fact, it is a highly nutritious fruit that has many health benefits for horses.

Let’s now take a look at different parts of a peach and peach plant to figure out if they are safe for consumption as well.


What about the different parts of peaches?

The fruit itself

The peach fruit in itself is totally safe for a horse to eat. It is tasty, juicy, and filled with good nutrients that are beneficial for a horse. The quantity should be monitored while feeding, and only a limited amount should be given. But other than that, it is completely safe for a horse to eat.

The pit

The pit of a peach fruit is not safe for a horse to eat. It must be removed before feeding the horses. The pits of peaches are poisonous and can lead to cyanide poisoning in horses. The pit must be removed before feeding the fruit to the horses.

The leaves

As was the case with the pits, the leaves of a peach tree are just as deadly for a horse, if not more. The leaves of peaches can cause cyanide poisoning in horses too. That too within just a few days after consumption. As a precaution, horses should not be taken to fields where peach trees grow.


CAUTION – Cyanide poisoning is a major cause of concern as it causes respiratory damage. Within hours of taking hold, the oxygen supply can be blocked causing a fatality. Please exercise caution and contact a veterinarian as soon as possible if signs of Cyanide poisoning occur.


There are not many parts involved when it comes to peaches. This is actually a good thing. As it makes remembering the proper ways to feed peaches easy. The above-mentioned precautions and suggestions should be followed by the horse owners for the horses’ safety and well-being.


An appropriate amount of peach to be fed to horses

Horses are herbivores. Which means they eat plants and vegetation. Fruits are a natural favorite of horses. But too much of anything is dangerous. Peach is no exception. In fact, it is one of the items that should be given in extremely small quantities to horses.

Horses are known for their sensitive stomachs. They are prone to stomach aches and other problems related to the stomach. Some of the points to keep in mind.

  1. Peaches are healthy only if given in extremely measured quantities to horses.
  2. Once or twice a week should be the limit.
  3. One or two slices a day should be the daily limit.
  4. More than one peach a day should not be given in any circumstance.

That being said, sometimes the digestive capability of horses varies from one individual to another. It is possible that your particular horse can digest more peaches than suggested.

Even if it is so, you should be careful and vigilant. Being cautious and preventing a catastrophe is better than being ignorant of the health of your horses.


Does the age of horses matter?

Do Horse Eat Peaches

This is a serious concern that is often ignored. We have to understand that micromanaging the diet of a horse is extremely important. This can only be done if we have all the aspects related to its health covered.

The age of the horses is extremely important for their feeding habits. Just like any other living being, horses are prone to diet changes with age.

Fortunately, peaches are actually a good alternative to most other fruits for older horses. With age, the teeth and gums of horses become weak and fragile.

Peaches, due to their soft flesh, are perfect for such a dental condition. After consulting with the veterinarian, peaches can be added as a treat to older horses.


Proper ways to feed peaches to horses

We have established that horses can eat peaches. Now let’s take a look at different ways to feed them peaches and the different ways we can prepare the fruit to give them.

  1. The peaches should be washed thoroughly and adequately before feeding them to the horses.
  2. Horses have a tendency to choke on food. Hence the peach should be cut in tiny pieces.
  3. Thin slices are better suited to eat for horses than cubes.
  4. The pit should be removed before feeding horses.


Health benefits of peaches for horses

Peaches are healthy fruits. Now let’s take a detailed look at the exact health benefits for horses by eating peaches.

  • Great source of vitamin A
  • Rich in fiber.
  • Potassium-rich.
  • Packed with antioxidants.
  • Rich in vitamins, minerals, and other natural compounds.


Side effects to consider

Here are some side effects to consider while feeding peaches to horses.

  1. The pits and leaves of peaches are poisonous and can lead to cyanide poisoning in your horse.
  2. Horses can’t regurgitate. They are also prone to choking. Hence the peaches can’t be given as big chunks.
  3. Horses are prone to gastrointestinal problems. Hence only a few small pieces of a peach should be given.
  4. Artificial peach flavored treats contain huge quantities of sugar and should be avoided.



To summarize, let’s look at some queries regarding the topic.

Can horses eat peaches? Yes, they can.

Can they eat other parts of peaches? No. The pit and the leaves contain small amounts of cyanide and is poisonous to horses.

Are the peaches healthy for horses? Yes. They contain various vitamins, minerals, and natural plant-based compounds. 

Are peaches harmful to horses? No. But the pit and leaves are.

How to feed? Cut the fruit into small and thin slices to feed.

How much to feed? Not more than one peach a day at most. One or two slices per day should be enough.

What are some things to avoid? Giving too much, feeding the pit and the leaves. Feeding large chunks, artificially
flavored treats

We hope to have answered all of your queries. If you have any other questions please feel free to drop your question in the comment section or contact us via our contact information.