Can Dogs Eat Soy Sauce?

Can Dogs Eat Soy Sauce

When we bring a pet into our homes and lives, it is only a matter of time until they become an essential part of it. Before we can realize it, we start treating them as family members. This includes taking them out on holidays and celebrations, sleeping with them, sharing playthings, treats, and food. Haven’t you ever brought home a takeout treat for yourself that you want to share with your canine friend as well?

Well, as much as sharing expresses caring, too much sharing can’t be healthy. After all, your pet is an animal with a different digestive system and, consequently, different dietary needs. On the other hand, there are many human foods that you can safely share with your pet. So, where would you draw the line? What about soy sauce?

Can dogs eat soy sauce? No, you should never feed soy sauce to your dogs. It is because while soy sauce itself is not outright toxic to dogs, its ingredients are bad for your pet’s health. Diarrhea and vomiting are just some of the common problems that your dog can face if they eat soy sauce. Thus, it is best not to feed your pet any food that contains soy sauce in it.

Are you wondering which ingredients of soy sauce are problematic for your dog’s health? Don’t worry; we’ve got the answers to all the questions you might be thinking about concerning dogs and soy sauce in this article.


Do dogs like eating soy sauce?

Do dogs like eating soy sauce

If you pour out soy sauce in the food bowl of your pet dog, will they eat it? Well, unlikely. Soy sauce is not meant to be consumed that way even by us, so you can’t expect dogs to do that.

However, if you share with them Chinese food that contains soy sauce, they will eat it lovingly. Dogs seldom know which foods are good for them and what’s bad. Therefore, the answer to your question is, yes, dogs like eating food that contains soy sauce.


Why is soy sauce bad for dogs?

Why is soy sauce bad for dogs

As we mentioned earlier, soy is not bad for dogs. It is the other ingredients of the soy sauce that can impact the health of your dog negatively. Let’s take a look at these ingredients:


Unlike us, dogs have an extremely low tolerance for sodium and can only consume it in a small quantity in their everyday diet. All the veterinarians recommend the pet parents not to feed their pets more than 100 mg of sodium on a daily basis.

On the contrary, soy sauce contains sodium in abundance. A single tablespoon of soy sauce can contain about 902 mg of sodium, which is well above the recommended quantity.

What happens if your dog intakes too much sodium? They could suffer from Salt Poisoning. The symptoms of salt poisoning can either show right away or take a few days.

If you think your dog might be suffering from salt poisoning, these are some of the common symptoms you should be looking out for:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Limping
  • Scratching
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Disorientation
  • Increased thirst
  • Tremors or seizures

Salt poisoning can also lead to death in some severe cases. Another disease that can be caused by a high-sodium intake is kidney failure. Kidney failure has all the salt poisoning symptoms, along with other symptoms like blood in urine and ulcer in the mouth.

If you believe that your dog might be suffering either of the diseases, you should take them to a veterinarian right away.

Garlic or onions

There are hundreds of brands that manufacture soy sauce in the market today. Out of them, many use garlic or onions in it to make it spicier. Both garlic and onions are lethal to dogs and can lead to heart damage, anemia, organ failure, and even death in most cases.

Thus, it is best to keep your canine friends away from soy sauce. If you happen to keep soy sauce at your home, you should always store soy sauce in areas your pet can’t reach to be cautious.


What should you do if your dog ate soy sauce accidentally?

If you ever encounter such an accident, the first thing you need to do is find out exactly how much sauce they consume; the lesser quantity they consumed, the less you need to worry.

If they consumed a small quantity, they would likely feel very thirsty and pee frequently. It is a good thing since water dissolves the extra sodium and urine flushes it out of their system.

However, keep an eye out for all the symptoms we mentioned in the last section. If you witness any, take them to the veterinarian immediately.


Can puppies eat soy sauce?

If soy sauce should be kept away from fully-grown, adult dogs, feeding them to puppies is out of the question. A puppy eating soy sauce is most prone to instant death.


What about other soy foods?

Can dogs eat soybeans?

Yes, dogs can eat soybeans. Unlike soy sauce, soybeans don’t consist of a dramatically high sodium level and are safe for your dogs.

Moreover, they are rich in fibers, protein, calcium, and magnesium, making them healthy for your canine friend. You just need to make sure that your dog is not allergic to it before feeding them soybeans.

Can dogs drink soy milk?

Yes, you can safely feed your dog soy milk. Since most dogs are lactose intolerants, milk doesn’t sit well in their stomach and often cause diarrhea. However, soy milk is entirely free of lactose and thus safe for their consumption. But, it is also rich in calories and can make your dog overweight if fed too often.

Can dogs eat tofu?

Tofu is not toxic to your dog when fed in moderation. In fact, it is rich in protein and can even make a healthy snack for your pet. However, you need to watch out for signs of bloating if you feed them this treat too often.


Other human foods you should be careful about

Undercooked egg or meat

If meat or egg is not properly cooked, there’s a chance that it contains harmful bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella and can cause many diseases in dogs. Raw eggs also contain an enzyme named avidin that can lead to skin and fur problems in dogs.


Xylitol is a naturally occurring alcohol that is used as an artificial sweetener in many processed food products such as chewing gums, candies, baked goods, etc. While it is safe for humans, xylitol can cause hypoglycemia in dogs and can even lead to liver failure in severe cases.

Milk and dairy

All dog breeds are lactose intolerant to varying degrees. Thus, feeding them milk or other dairy products can upset their stomach and lead to diarrhea and vomiting.

Grapes and raisin

The experts have still not been able to pinpoint what exactly is it about grapes and raisins that is toxic to dogs. However, the fact that they cause kidney failure in your pet is tried, tested, and confirmed.


Dogs are not the only animals who are threatened by avocados. Avocados contain persin, which is a fungicidal toxin that can cause a number of health issues for your pet.

Caffeine and chocolate

Because they contain methylxanthines, both caffeine and chocolates are unsafe for dogs and cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, hyperactivity, and other health issues in them.


While alcohol is not entirely healthy for your own consumption, in dogs, they can trigger a number of problems such as depression, lack of coordination, abnormal blood activity, tremors, difficulty in breathing, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I feed my dog slices of banana? Yes. Banana is packed with potassium and makes a nutritious and low-calorie treat for your pet when fed in moderation.

Is eating fish healthy for dogs? Yes. Fish can be a part of your pet’s daily diet. You just need to remove all the bones carefully and make sure that it is well-cooked.

Can dogs eat broccoli? Yes. Not only is broccoli rich in nutrients, but it is good for the oral health of your dog.



Coming back to the original question: can dogs eat soy sauce? No, soy sauce is rich in sodium, which can be lethal to your dog. Eating soy sauce can lead to salt poisoning and kidney failure in your pet when consumed in higher quantities. Thus, you should take care to keep soy sauce away from your dogs.