Can Chickens Eat Rice? (Cooked or Uncooked)

Can Chickens Eat Rice

Although rice is the seed of the grass of Oryza glaberrima, it is more popular as a cereal grain. In many different parts of the world, particularly in the Asian and African subcontinent, it is used as a staple diet. We use it as a basic ingredient in snacks like rice cakes, rice puddings, rice krispies, etc.

But have you ever thought of feeding rice to your pet? Although pets have a diet that is different from ours, there are many things in our kitchen that we can safely share with them in moderation. What about chickens?

Can chickens eat rice? Yes, chickens can eat rice. Rice, being a grain, is one of the most preferred foods by chickens. Although it is too low in protein to be included in their everyday diet, as a snack for them, it is unparalleled. Chickens can safely eat both raw as well as cooked rice without any trouble. Rice makes a great snack for baby chicks, too.

Are you wondering if rice adds any nutrients to your pet’s diet? And what about snacks like rice cakes and rice puddings? Can chickens eat them too? Read on to find out the answers to all these questions.


Do chickens like eating rice?

Rice is basically grain, and all of us know how chickens love grains. You might not know this, but a long time ago, rice might have been a part of chicken’s regular diet. So yes, chickens love eating rice.

Moreover, as with most of the carbohydrate-rich foods, chickens are drawn to rice.

If you have chickens in your backyard, it is highly unlikely that they wouldn’t like rice. In fact, chances are, they will like it far too much. However, since you know it is best to feed them rice in moderation, you need to keep your chickens in check around it.


Is rice healthy for chickens?

Is rice healthy for chickens

Rice is rich in carbohydrates, contains protein in a moderate quantity, and is low in fat: perfect definition of a healthy snack for chickens. Let’s take a look at all the nutrients present in rice to determine the health benefits of it for your chickens.

Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are the major source of energy for chickens. About 20% of their daily feed consists of carbohydrates. This is exactly why you need to limit rice as their snack. Chickens are already getting a sufficient amount of carbohydrates from their poultry feed. Too much carbohydrate can create digestive problems for them.

Fats – Did you know that vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat-soluble vitamins? But what does “fat-soluble” mean? Fat-soluble vitamins are the vitamins that need fatty acids in order to be absorbed by the animal. Therefore, if chickens don’t consume fat, they won’t be able to absorb these vitamins which are vital for their health. Rice has the right amount of fats for chickens; neither too little nor too much.

Fibers – Fibres have three important functions in chickens: fibers regulate their blood sugar level, produce healthy gut bacteria, and promote healthy bowel movement in them. Fibers should ideally make up 10% of their daily diet.

Protein – Protein is required for the synthesis of chicken’s muscle tissues and physiological molecules such as hormones and enzymes.

Sugar – Chickens love sugar, but too much sugar can be detrimental to their health. It can interrupt the balance of their blood sugar level and can lead to cardiac diseases.

Sodium – Chickens need a specific amount of sodium in their diet, but any more than that can impact their health negatively. Too much sodium can dehydrate them severely.


Can chicks eat rice?

Like adult chickens, their younger ones can also eat rice safely. However, you need to be careful about feeding them rice in moderation, since it is low in protein and is, therefore, not helpful in their growth.


Can chickens eat raw (uncooked) rice?

A popular myth that has been going around for years is that raw rice, when consumed by chickens, can explode their insides. Due to this myth, people have abandoned the tradition of throwing rice at the newly-weds on their weddings.

The theory behind the myth is that raw rice, when it enters the chicken’s stomach, mixes with water and expands, causing their stomachs to burst, and results in their death.

A major flaw in the theory is that in order to expand, raw rice needs boiling water. It is not possible for raw rice to expand inside the chicken’s stomach.

Therefore, the myth doesn’t hold water. Many chicken-owners have confessed that they have been feeding their pets raw rice for years without noticing any ill-effects of it. Therefore, raw rice is completely safe for chickens to eat.

Given below is the nutritional chart of raw rice. Take a look:

Fat1.1 g
Saturated fats0.2 g
Carbohydrates75 g
Fibres6.2 g
Sugar2.5 g
Protein15 g
Sodium7 mg
Potassium427 mg
Calcium21 mg
Iron1.96 mg
Calories357 kcal

Serving size: 100 grams

According to the chart, raw rice contains all the right nutrients for chickens. However, the only problem is its calorie count, which is way too high for chicken’s consumption. Thus, it is best to feed raw rice to chickens in moderation.


Can chickens eat cooked rice?

Yes, chickens can eat cooked rice and do so lovingly. Cooked rice is easy for them to digest and sits well in their stomach. On hot winter mornings, nothing else would please your chicken like a bowl of hot, cooked rice.

Cooked rice also contains lesser calories than raw rice, which is healthier for chickens. However, when you serve cooked rice to chickens, never add salt to it. Chickens like unsalted rice just as much.

Fat1 g
Saturated fats0.3 g
Carbohydrates26 g
Fibres1.6 g
Sugar0.2 g
Protein2.7 g
Sodium4 mg
Potassium86 mg
Calcium3 mg
Iron0.56 mg
Calories123 kcal

Serving size: 100 grams


Can chickens eat brown rice?

Brown rice is as safe for chickens as white rice. In fact, from a health perspective, brown rice is better for them. It is because brown rice contains more fibers than the white one.

Fat0.8 g
Saturated fats0.2 g
Carbohydrates24 g
Fibres1.8 g
Protein2.3 g
Sodium1 mg
Potassium79 mg
Calories112 kcal

Serving size: 100 grams


Can chickens eat basmati rice?

Basmati rice is long, slender-grained rice which is popular for its unique aroma. This variety of rice is famous in India and Pakistan. If you have basmati rice at home and want to feed it to your chicken, you can go ahead. Chickens can eat both raw and cooked basmati rice safely.

Fat0.38 g
Saturated fats0.09 g
Monounsaturated fats0.128 g
Polyunsaturated fats0.122 g
Carbohydrates25.22 g
Fibres0.4 g
Protein3.54 g
Sodium126 mg
Potassium32 mg
Calories121 kcal

Serving size: 100 grams


Can chickens eat rice pudding?

Rice pudding is a dessert dish that is made by cooking it in milk or water, by adding other ingredients like raisins and cinnamon. Unlike rice, rice pudding is not safe for chickens due to the high amount of sugar it contains.

According to the chart given below, 92 grams of rice pudding contains about 11 grams of sugar, which is far too high for your feathered pet.

Fat2 g
Saturated fats1.1 g
Trans fat0.1 g
Monounsaturated fats0.5 g
Polyunsaturated fats0.1 g
Cholesterol11 mg
Carbohydrates17 g
Fibres0.3 g
Sugar11 g
Protein3 g
Sodium89 mg
Potassium115 mg
Calories99 kcal

Serving size: 92 grams


Can chickens eat rice cake?

Rice cakes are the cakes that are made of rice flour or puffed rice. These cakes are native to the Asian subcontinent. However, it is popular in the whole world today.

Rice cakes are not recommended to feed your chickens as they are rich in sodium and contain far too many calories. Moreover, store-bought rice cakes can also contain chemicals and preservatives, which is not healthy for your chickens.

There is also a chance that store-bought rice cakes contain xylitol, a naturally occurring alcohol that is lethal to chickens.

Fat0.3 g
Saturated fats0.1 g
Monounsaturated fats0.1 g
Polyunsaturated fats0.1 g
Carbohydrates7.3 g
Fibres0.4 g
Sugar0.1 g
Protein0.7 g
Sodium29 mg
Potassium26 mg
Calories35 kcal

Serving size: 9 grams


Can chickens eat rice krispies?

Rice Krispies are breakfast cereals made of crisped rice that are widely used in many households. As far as chickens are concerned, rice krispies are not a healthy option.

This is because the brands that manufacture these add different chemical additives and preservatives, which can be lethal to your feathered pet. Rice Krispies also contain a high amount of sodium, which can make them dehydrated.

Fat0.6 g
Saturated fats0.1 g
Monounsaturated fats0.2 g
Polyunsaturated fats0.2 g
Carbohydrates25 g
Fibres0.1 g
Sugar2.9 g
Protein2 g
Sodium153 mg
Potassium36 mg
Calories110 kcal

Serving size: 29 grams


Final takeaway

To sum it up, let’s return to our initial question: can chickens eat rice? Yes, they can. Chickens love rice, both in its raw form as well as the cooked one. Rice is digested very easily in their stomachs. If your chicken is suffering from any digestive problem, feeding them cooked rice would soothe them. However, too much rice can make them gain weight quickly due to their high carbohydrate content.